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Help Us Care For The Children NowMore than 300,000 children are living in orphanages and the Ukrainian government is only able to meet 45% of their need. Frequently, these children eat just one meal a day. Their situation is critical. The children need your help. You can be the angel of mercy who delivers their next meal, provides a warm coat, a new pair of shoes, new underclothing or simply a clean diaper.
Many babies are abandoned at birth by their mothers who are addicted to either alcohol or drugs, or are suffering from extreme poverty. The babies are cared for by understaffed and underfunded hospitals until they reach the age of three at which time they enter the state orphanage system. Read more about our ministry to Ukrainian abandoned babies. Your gift of love will provide the basic necessities for a child who needs to know that someone like you cares. I'm not able to post any of the pictures in this album because of copyright laws. They are by a Ukrainian photo journalist who visited hospitals and orphanges in various cities of Ukraine. Some of these photos are shocking. View Joseph Sywenkyj's photos. |
Take a stand against hunger and help us impact Ukraine with hope. There may never be another chance to make such a dramatic impact in the life of a child. The Ukrainian Childrens Fund provides food, clothing, shoes and personal sanitary items to orphans and underprivileged children in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Childrens Fund also provides diapers, lotions, baby powder and other supplies to babies abandoned at birth and left in hospitals. Please make a difference in the life of a child with your donation. |
Children At Risk in UkraineConservative estimates are more than 100,000 children live in the streets of major cities without any legitimate adult guidance, discipline, education or preparation for contribution to society. Often called "street children," these forgotten children are abused and used in trafficking drugs and child prostitution. Estimates are more than 15,000 children live in abandoned basements and sewers in Kiev alone. 3% of the child population in Ukraine are registered homeless. This is over 300,000 children. 20% of Ukrainian adolescents have 2 or more socially contracted diseases; sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, HIV and Aids. Over 3,000 children are officially registered as having HIV. |
Making A DifferenceUkrainian Childrens Fund cooperates with national churches, leaders, businessmen and government officials. We're distributing food, clothing, shoes, winter coats and personal sanitary items to orphanages and under privileged children. One leading pastor of a church in Kyiv said, "This is one of the biggest ministries within the church. We thank you for what you are doing in Ukraine and for our people." |